Never heard of Sakis Rotting?? Well, it's actually Rotting Christ under a different name coming to perform right here im Malaysia. They'll be heading to Stadium Melawati on the 9th of May, sure to bring the house down. (literally eh)
Their coming under a different name to avoid controvesy, its not banned. Well, obviously rotting christ doesn't sound as evil as Rihanna so there's no surprise that there wont be any protests on that. pfft.
Being controvesial by nature, this band would be a must-watch. The many fans in Malaysia would crowd the stadium as 5000 people are expected. Tickets are priced at RM75 , better than paying 200+ ringgit for a shitty line up at Sunburst.
So, Polaryde reccomends you start saving up from now so you dont miss this oppurtunity to be part of the controvesy!!